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Hillary Clinton: Ignorant or thinks you are

So, by now, I’m sure you’ve heard of her email shenanigans. Her claim is that she wanted one device for convenience, after admitting she had multiple devices. She’s lying. But she also thinks that (or thinks you think that) one device has only one email. I have four email addresses (personal, for the blog, a professional one and a spam trap) and I can get to everyone of them from any device I own.


She also claims to have never used her email for secret or top secret correspondence. This is either a lie or she wasn’t doing her job.

Personally, I think this hit on her is coming from her own party. If it came from Republicans, it’d be a blurb on page A-3 and disappeared. Someone on her own team doesn’t seem to like her very much. If she’s unpresidented, then who will the Ds run?

17 Responses to “Hillary Clinton: Ignorant or thinks you are”

  1. Paul B Says:

    Remember when all the bad things that happened to the Clinton’s was a vast right wing conspiracy? Do we really want that clepto back in the white house? they stole the china last time.

  2. HL Says:

    I don’t know…I heard an interesting theory on the radio.

    If Hitlary doesn’t run, do you think Boehner and McConnell would insist on repealing the 22nd Amendment to try and appeal to independents?

    It sounds far-fetched, but would you be really be that shocked if they did?

  3. Deaf Smith Says:

    Now think of this. You have a business and a private checking account. You write some of the business checks on your private account and vice versa. Now the IRS at tax time does an audit and notices that. Will they be able to look at your private checking account to see what all business checks were written off it?

    Answer, yes they will. They are private anymore. We know she emailed other state dept people cause of the gaps in official emails sent for months so they’re not private anymore. Does not matter if they were secret or not.

    An independent source is needed to see those emails.

  4. emdfl Says:

    I was employed by the State Department (in the DSS Bureau) for 10 years. If I had tried to do what that lying bitch has done, my boss would have had me strung up by my thumbs while he decided where to shoot me first.

  5. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    “But she also thinks that (or thinks you think that) one device has only one email.”

    Except that government information systems are only supposed to be used for government business. I know people who routinely travel with two laptops and/or two cell phones, one for government business and their personal unit for private use. I’m almost certain that it’s illegal to do government business on a privately owned computer (as Clinton did by routinely using her private email) because the government not allowed to use private assets without compensation.

    Also keep in mind that most of the government is still using Blackberries with only a few places getting iPhones now.

    “She also claims to have never used her email for secret or top secret correspondence. This is either a lie or she wasn’t doing her job.”

    Classified emails travel on completely different networks than unclassified. She could improperly include classified information in an unclassified email. But she isn’t going to routinely receive classified data and traffic on a device even capable of processing normal unclassified email.

  6. nk Says:

    “If she’s unpresidented, then who will the Ds run?”

    Jeb Bush. (Ducks)

  7. KiloEchoSierra Says:

    A few days ago, Limbaugh said that the Dems were pushing Hillary aside so Elizabeth Warren would/could run. Seems plausible to me.

  8. Crawler Says:

    I think media have grown tired of Hillary. To them, she’s just the same old liar and phony. The old guard media tolerated her because of the coattails she was grasping when she arrived in D.C.. The new guard knows she just a phony and a liar

    I still say I have a better chance of herding cats for living than that despicable lying witch occupying the White House as president.

    [As an aside, if you can ever read the book, Unlimited Access, written by ex-White House Secret Service agent, Gary Aldridge, it will tell you all you need to know about the morals, ethics and character of Hillary Clinton.]

  9. Crawler Says:

    Oh yeah…I forgot that Obama is a huge fan of fellow progressive Marxist, Ms. Fauxahontas, aka Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

    She’s probably the odds on favorite, at this point, to rake in the lion’s share of DNC dollars.

  10. Other Steve Says:

    Warren makes sense, white women that will appeal to the younger crowd because of her consumer protection work. America is just not ready for a hag, and Hilary looks every year her age.

    Warren v Paul would be far better than the last four elections no doubt.

  11. NotClauswitz Says:

    Whoever runs against her on the Dem-side, someone will get tripped-up — I bet Bill Clinton has a stack of Polaroids from trips to Epstein’s private sex-party island. It’s how the Left & Soviets operate, and a little Photoshop could put Sen Warren in the picture… Sorry for the visual!

  12. wasntme Says:

    @Jeff the Baptist

    “Classified emails travel on completely different networks than unclassified.”

    True, but she didn’t use the state dept email and the classified system isn’t connected to clintons personal server. Well, it shouldn’t be. No telling anymore.

    “But she isn’t going to routinely receive classified data and traffic on a device even capable of processing normal unclassified email.”

    That’s based on the assumption that other people are following the rules, which the list is growing of those who didn’t. If someone puts classified information in an unclassified email, they can send it anywhere they want.

  13. richard Says:

    Sure as shootin’, if Bubba ever got to move back into The Whitehouse, he’d be running a bordello in the Lincoln Bedroom.

  14. Deaf Smith Says:


    He would have kiddie porn videos going in the WH basement to. What a pair they are, Hill and Bill.

  15. OldSailor068 Says:

    Anyone who believes any part of her story is a fool.

    I work in I.T. Even if she didn’t know that she could have multiple email addresses on one phone, do you think no semi bright person ever said “Oh Hey, I can set that up for you. It’ll take five minutes.”

    As to the “official” emails being preserved due to being sent to .gov addresses, according to the U.S Census in 2013 there were 2.7 million Federal employees. Are we supposed to put out a notice saying “Anyone got an email from Hillary? let us know!” Sure would be effective in looking for problems, wouldn’t it?

    We could spend tons of people’s time and even more tons of money looking through backups of thousands of departmental servers, but that’s an exercise in futility.

    There is an I.T. concept of retention. You can delete an email, but it’s not really gone. This is so if called into court and email is subpoenaed, it can be produced. This is routinely done on larger corporate networks. Heck, it’s even available cheaply for small companies! Just look at Office 365.

    No, this was done to cover tracks. Private server, no retention, no way to track it. Pure and simple coverup.
    In the corporate world, had I good grounds to suspect illicit or unethical behavior, I would be looking at her inbox to see who was emailing her and about what, as well as her sent folder to see if she was emailing or or whatever. And I would be seeing it all, even the stuff she thought she deleted.

    Even now, with emails deleted, a good forensics exam could probably recover some deleted emails from the server if we had access to it. But, no, that’s not going to happen either.

    I wouldn’t believe this c&@p from an employee, and I certainly don’t believe it from her.

    Lies, more lies and muddying the trail.

    This stinks, from an I.T. standpoint, worse than Louis Lerner’s “Oh, my hard drive crashed, and they shredded it” B.S.

  16. Bubblehead Les Says:

    So, here’s a question that no one in the MSM seems to be asking: Just how may people IN GOVERNMENT were getting eMails from her and yet didn’t raise a Stink because they were coming in over her Private Account?

    It’s like being “Shocked! Shocked I tell You to discover that there’s GAMBLING on the Premises!”

  17. MAJMike Says:

    How many TV’s must she use to watch cable? 800?

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