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Romney on guns

Jacob: While Romney’s record on the 2A is poor, he could have at least mentioned in passing the concern that many in the mainstream have that the operation was set up as a backdoor way of promoting gun control.

I wonder when he and John Kerry are going to go duck hunting?

5 Responses to “Romney on guns”

  1. Oleg Volk Says:

    I’d rather they all went hunting with Dick Cheney.

  2. Lyle Says:

    I’d rather they all went hunting with me.

  3. LKP Says:

    Have Dick Cheney show up as a last minute replacement for Mitt. Heh!

  4. Romney has passed more gun control than Obama Says:

    How’s Romney’s assault weapons ban in Mass working out?

  5. Cameron Says:

    Mormons usually like their guns.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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