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Professional Agitators

NYPD warns those darn people who know their rights are exercising them. How dare they?

5 Responses to “Professional Agitators”

  1. Bubblehead Les Says:

    So Mickey Bloomberg is trying to extend his North Korean Wannabe Feudal System some more? Gee, I guess sending out Undercover Cops out beyond the City Limits (and their Jurisdiction) wasn’t good enough, huh?

  2. Rivrdog Says:

    …and their crime would be?

    “Professional Agitators”

    Parsing that, it must be a crime to “agitate” (it is, when your agitation leads to consequent crimes AND SUCH A LINK CAN BE PROVEN BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT). “Professional”, eh? That means that (1) Such a profession exists, and the agitators have assumed that status by training, experience, etc. (2) an alternate, but acceptable definition must assume that those agitators make their livelihoods from their agitation. Does NYPD really know that? Can they prove THAT in a court of law to the “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard?

    Sorry NYPD, your extra-judicial attempt to suspend the Constitution by mere fiat and printing press is nothing but FAIL. Now, will some nice Civil Rights attorney please take these two in hand, turn them into plaintiffs, and sue the pants off the NYPD, Bloomberg, Commissioner Kelly and on down the line? Oh, and for restitution to the plaintiffs, how about one dollar damage AND the removal of Kelly, AND the Court’s reprimand of Mayor Bloomberg. If it’s possible to send Hizzoner to a remedial class in Civics at the middle-school level, perhaps that should be done as well.

    End the rule of Gauleiter Bloomberg! Bring back the Constitution to New York City! Get Charlie off the MTA! ….oh, wait…

  3. John Smith. Says:

    Saw a good bumper sticker today.

    Anarchists: Libertarians who have quit making excuses

  4. Kristopher Says:

    So, If I can be annoying enough, the NYC police will ignore me?


  5. MichigammeDave Says:

    I hate to sound like a professional nitpicker (okay, I don’t, but let’s pretend.), but if that’s an exact copy of the text on the flyer, these guys need a good proofreader. You’d think there’d be someone on the force capable of noticing spelling and grammatical errors on something that has been reproduced at (presumably) public expense!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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