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Land of the free

Man arrested and jailed without bond, subject to home monitoring for the heinous crime of not having enough money to finish the siding on his house.

5 Responses to “Land of the free”

  1. wizardpc Says:

    And some people thought my post about how every law ends in puppy killing swat teams was hyperbole….

  2. FatWhiteMan Says:

    I’m glad no one can see my house.

  3. Jake Says:

    Color me skeptical, but I have to wonder what the news station isn’t reporting, or is glossing over, about this case. I’m also curious about exactly what statute he was jailed under.

    I think there’s more to this than we’re being told.

  4. Lyle Says:

    Two amount of two years’ property tax would have been more than enough for new siding. They take our money and then wonder why we can’t afford things.

    I need to write an essay on the “Tyvek House” so as to lend more understanding to this rather broad issue.

  5. Magus Says:

    Vin Suprynowicz wrote a whole book about shit like this. It’s titled “The Ballad of Carl Drega”.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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