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Gun porn

HK 223

Leather and grips

CZ Scorpion EVO 3 A1

World’s smallest pistol: the downsizer.

3 Responses to “Gun porn”

  1. Nylarthotep Says:

    The “downsizer” doesn’t look like it’s chambered for a “reduction in force.”


  2. Rivrdog Says:

    Re: CZ subgun: 250 meters effective range for 9X19?

    The drop of 9mm at 300 meters is listed at 68″, so it must be somewhere around 5 feet at 250. My guess is that the velocity has fallen off from around 1600 at the muzzle (with the hottest ammo and a 9″ barrel) to around 800-1000 fps.

    Not exactly a one-shot killer, you’d have to get a lot of them on a baddie to bring him down for good.

    250 yards is not what subguns are for, and CZ, having been in the gun biz for a long time, ought to know this by now.

  3. Bob H Says:

    That gun is huge compared to this one:

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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