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25 years ago today

The Firearms Owners Protection Act was enacted. And with it, the Hughes Amendment, banning the transfer of new machine guns to citizens.

4 Responses to “25 years ago today”

  1. John of Argghhh! Says:

    Boo! The only part of the two things that is rigorously enforced is the Hughes Amendment.

  2. Diomed Says:

    When was the last time you had to sign a register when buying ammo?

    Ever bought ammo online?

    FOPA works. It’s far from perfect but I really don’t want to go back to ca. 1985 federal gun laws, even if it does mean new machineguns and spare silencer parts.

  3. Robert Says:

    Yes. Firearms owners are protected and protected.

  4. Mike Says:

    For those who don’t remember how bad things were pre FOPA.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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