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Adult baby on disability

A 30 year old man, who lives life as a giant baby, draws disability checks. Apparently, fucked in the head is a disability. When confronted about his non-disability for which I am paying, he threatened to hold his breath until he turned blue. Hold it longer, Sparky, you’re not done yet.

And he as a website.

10 Responses to “Adult baby on disability”

  1. GD Says:

    Thanks, now I have that freakish link in my history…

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    If he wants to kill himself because we take away his BS welfare check, that’s his right.

    Its not his right to take our money because he wants it.

  3. Stranger Says:

    There have been several scandals about “progressives” teaching children how to “play dummy.” The scam milks “welfare” for up to $60,000 a year. For each child. So the big baby probably lives quite well on his application of the Cloward-Piven Strategy.


  4. Ellen Says:

    I’ve met a couple Adult Babies. I was not impressed.

  5. Bryan S. Says:

    What a piece of work. Looters are alive and well, and dressing as infants.

  6. Chas Says:

    Put him in prison for ripping off the system and see if his fellow inmates care to bottle feed him and change his diapers. He’ll grow up fast.

  7. Eagle 1 Says:

    Maybe somebody should take up a collection to send him a Hi-Point .45 and a couple hollowpoints. 10 years of SSI? WTF checked this guy out and decided he gets a check? Tar-and-feathers.

  8. Dr. Feelgood Says:

    No way am I clicking that.

  9. Ted N(not the Nuge) Says:

    Yet again, I want to move to Grainne. He’d either starve there, or make enough off his site to pay for himself. Either way, at least he wouldn’t be using my money. I’m not into that kinda thing.

  10. John Says:

    Damnit. I clicked. I had no idea that was real. Time for junior to grow up and start earning his share.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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