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April Fools

For those who were greeted by my April Fools Gag (which you can see here), gotcha!

I had to take it down after an hour due to all the emails and facebook messages. I didn’t realize so many folks would think it might be serious. Which, in and of itself, is actually kinda sad. And by sad, I mean that folks think it’s not entirely unbelievable that the Department of Homeland Security would seize my domain name.

17 Responses to “April Fools”

  1. JP Says:

    I thought it was a great April Fools day gag! I laughed pretty good.

  2. Tam Says:

    I LOL’ed hard, myself. 🙂

  3. Mu Says:

    Now if they go after you for steeling their copyrighted seizure notice …

  4. mike w. Says:

    When I saw it my 1st thought after I stopped laughing was “Damn, his inbox is gonna get flooded!”

  5. Laughingdog Says:

    I feel bad now that it’s been too busy at work to take a break and skim the blog.

  6. akornzombie Says:

    Now that I’ve thought about it, is kind of funny. Also kind of sad that a lot people thought it was true.

  7. alan Says:

    If the notice had been from the ATF I might have believed it.

  8. Cargosquid Says:

    I’m sorry I missed it.

  9. FightinBluHen51 Says:

    You should post your true IP address in case the Feds do ever hijack your DNS.

  10. SPQR Says:

    The online comic General Protection Fault did the same gag. A lot fell for it.

  11. Carrie Says:

    That’s awesome. Close second to thinkgeek’s bonsai kitten plushie for April Fools pranks.

  12. DirtCrashr Says:

    Less than a gag, I thought it was a serious commentary on what we might come to expect if we allow certain things to come to pass. We are all TJICistan.

  13. Standard Mischief Says:

    >You should post your true IP address in case the Feds do ever hijack your DNS.

    That only works when each site has a dedicated IP address. Many small sites are on shared hosting.

    $ ping -c1 “”
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=53 time=34.3 ms

    However, several sites are sharing that IP address.

  14. Paul Says:

    Serious? The Homeland Security said they would pay me big bucks to turn you in!

    But all they gave me was a t-shirt…

  15. Jerry Says:

    I once caught a catfish, it was as big as a Volkswagon. (<-Vagan?) But, it was a carp. Bit major hose.

  16. David Garrett Says:

    The question is: is that picture copyrighted? lol.

  17. trackerk Says:

    On April fools day if my mother calls I check the caller ID and ask her for her maiden name and believe nothing on the interwebs until April 2nd.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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