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You got served

ATF missed the deadline so Issa subpoenas them over sending guns to Mexico.

4 Responses to “You got served”

  1. DirtCrashr Says:

    At least there’s one Congressman from California who’s not a raving socialist tool – two actually when you include McClintock.

  2. Shawn Says:

    I wonder what Holder will do to make sure the ATF gets out of all this?

  3. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Do I smell “Executive Privilege” Eau de Coverup about to be sprayed about the Halls of Congress? Tie it up in the Liberal Courts until the Republitards screw up their Golden Opportunity next election (“We can WIN with Romney!”, and this will disappear.

  4. Mike Vanderboegh Says:

    If they had a big excrement-eating grin icon I could put on this, I’d do it. As it is, I can only reflect that the award will given to us at the NRA convention. “Dulce et decorum est.”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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