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Top Shot Season 2

Looks like they’re taking applications for contestants for season 2. I know this because they decided to spam my blog yesterday in an off topic post. Instead of in my post talking about how I didn’t care for the show. Probably means I shouldn’t try out.

6 Responses to “Top Shot Season 2”

  1. hsoi Says:

    I had the same thing happen to me. I had my “I don’t care” blog post:

    and they spammed it. I’m sure they just went Googling for matches and blindly posted. Or, they figure that any press, even bad press, is still press and buzz.

    Frankly, if they do go through with a second season, as long as they make it not suck I’m all for it. More shooty goodness, less childish drama. But we know that won’t happen.

  2. Aaron Spuler Says:

    I emailed a contact over at the History Channel and asked him to pass word to the Top Shot producers to have less drama, more shooting in season 2. Don’t know if it will help, but I did my part at least.

  3. Jennifer Says:

    They spammed me too! In my rules post.

  4. straightarrow Says:

    I really looked forward to the show. Man! Was I ever disappointed. It’s childish, overly soap operaish dramatic and just plain stupid. It like a really bad Bachelorette episode.

    No, I don’t watch that either. Top Shot will not be watched by me again. I have grandchildren who can supply me with immature bullshit.

  5. Linoge Says:

    Spammed my inbox… After I wrote a similar post. Go figure.

  6. The N.U.G.U.N. Blog Says:

    Maybe you should.

    Maybe we blogs should make a concerted effort to get a number of mature shooters on the show. With the intention of having them encourage the other shooters, to above all else, provide a positive representation of shooters.

    (ie: Encourage no whining, minimal gaming, and good shooting)

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