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Odd gun case

Man has order of protection taken against him. Has to get rid of guns. Takes them to gun shop to sell them on consignment. Local police seize guns.

14 Responses to “Odd gun case”

  1. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    Depends if New Hampshire law treats consignment as a title transfer, bailment, inter alia.

    Sounds like a case of first impression there.

  2. Tam Says:

    Interestingly, the cops have apparently used his shop to store seized & surrendered guns before.

    Did they walk these out the front door and in through the back?

  3. TomcatsHanger Says:

    If they are in the FFL’s bound book, they have been transferred to the FFL.

    On a side note, hey, Manchester Firing Line has AUG pattern bullpup’s in stock.

  4. Wes S. Says:

    So the person who was facing a restraining order follows the law…and gets punished anyway. Along with the dealer to whom he gave the guns.

    Damned if you do; damned if you don’t.

  5. The Packetman Says:

    Since the firearms were in his bound book, seems to me that he needs to report them stolen to state agents AND the ATF.

    Then get some popcorn.

  6. ATLien Says:

    It’s coming up on time that we’re gonna have to do something about stupid LEOs.

  7. Ted Says:

    I’m getting sick of cops deciding what the law is whenever they want. Their job is to enforce the law, not make it up as they go along. It’s black and white, yes or no questions. Quit bullshitting and bullying people.

  8. Spook45 Says:

    This is a clear violation of his 5th ammendment rights and he should sue in fedarl district courts. Due to a SCOTUS ruling(that is CLEARLY WRONG) they can make him get rid of his guns, but they have no right or legal ability to deprive him of the value of those guns in the process of getting rid of them. He is, Under the 5th, entitled to the value of the guns and for the police to sieze them in this manner is a violation of his civil rights and he should SUE, besides, if he wins he will get a WHOLE LOT MORE MONEY than his guns are probably worth. SUE !!! BUY MORE AMMO(but only if you have guns)

  9. Flighterdoc Says:

    Yep. Sheriff Fife there needs to get some AFT loving for stealing those firearms….and the judge needs some conspiracy charges thrown his way, too for violating the GCA.

    Like the zero’s favorite community organizer said: Use their own rules against them.

  10. Kevin S Says:

    What kind of Polytech is worth $1800? Not the M14 clones, surely?

  11. Gmac Says:

    What needs to happen is a rescinding of Sen. Lautenburg D NJ’s law.

  12. emdfl Says:

    Be interesting to see how many of those seized guns turn up missing when this chief finally gets called to account for them.

  13. Gunstar1 Says:

    Interesting… so if the property of the gun shop owner can be taken, should those people that he sold the other weapons to also worry about them being taken?

  14. Rick Randall Says:


    It wouldn’t surprise me if Polytech M14 clones could go for $1800. IF they had been properly rebuilt.

    I believe that the receivers they used on those are mechanically superior to the Springfield ones. The bolts were often crap, and the barrels not top notch, but those can be fixed.

    Just like the Norincos made good base 1911 frames when you could get them for a song.

    And I seem to recall some other Polytech imports that could run 2 large as rarities.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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