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Cool Gun Pics

Still life. Anyone know what that one on the bottom is?

6 Responses to “Cool Gun Pics”

  1. Mad Saint Jack Says:

  2. Richard Says:

    it looks like one of the russian underwater assault rifles – the cartridge case has a spike inserted in the mouth, but there is a wad between the powder and the spike. The mouth of the case captures the wad and DOES NOT let gas escape. See for a short writeup. They came up with this when they became aware of our seal teams.

  3. JP Says:

    Pretty sure I had a GI Joe when I was a youngin who had one of those APS rifles.

  4. Olav Says:

    Isn’t this regarded as “Gun Porn”?

  5. Fiftycal Says:

    Yah, the firearm blog just had a blurb on the underwater AK’s. Also they were in Soldier of Fortune about 20 years ago.

  6. Les Jones Says:

    Yep, underwater rifle. I can’t wait until I have time gun-blog again. I have a blog post on a totally freaky Russkie gun that has hardly any info online.

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