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Krasniqi Update

Tuesday, August 9th, 2005

I’ve covered Krasniqi before, who is a man who illegally sells guns to terrorists. The media tend to treat this guy like a saint. David Hardy looks at his political contributions. Some politicos should be ashamed to have a gunrunner contributing since they tend to be some fairly anti-gun folks.

60 Minutes lies yet again

Monday, July 18th, 2005

A while back, I mentioned 60 Minutes piece on 50 Caliber rifles, wherein they interviewed terrorist weapons supplier and book pimp Florin Krasniqi. I said: The guy [Florin Krasniqi – ed] said (and reporter agreed) that exporting rifles and weapons was perfectly legal. It is legal, if you are a licensed exporter of firearms which […]

60 minutes lies again

Monday, March 21st, 2005

Caught 60 Minutes nonsensical scare piece on the 50 caliber rifle last night. The gist is that some dude buys guns in the states and sends them to help some Albanians fight a revolution. They interview him and he outlines what he does. I TiVoed it and may have more later. But here are the […]

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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