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Notice anything different?

Well, do ya?

Thanks to Robb for the site redesign! And use him for all your gun blogging template needs.

And if you notice anything quirky, lemme know.

Update: Still working some bugs out.

30 Responses to “Notice anything different?”

  1. SayUncle Says:


  2. Robb Allen Says:

    I see pictures!

    HTML thing works.

    Individual comments page is wonky….

  3. cyrus Says:

    indivial posts page is wonky…as well, like it over all.

  4. Gregory Morris Says:

    Should the header graphic not appear on the post’s
    permalink page? Also, this box I’m typing in doesn’t
    wrap properly.

  5. Robb Allen Says:

    Yeah, there’s a ref error in the header. Working on that now

  6. Gregory Morris Says:

    yall’r fast

  7. martywd Says:

    Wow!   Nice clean look.   Good job!

  8. mulligan Says:

    looks sharp!!

  9. Sebastian Says:

    RSS feed still looks the same 🙂

  10. Bruce Says:

    Other than the fact that my blog hasn’t been called mAss Backwards for almost two years now, as in your blogroll there, it looks great.

  11. Sebastian Says:

    I like the banner graphic. It’s a little wide for those of us who don’t browse full screen. You need a better division between posts. I would axe the line between the title and the post, and have a little more contrast instead of a harsh divider.

  12. Sebastian Says:

    Looking more at the banner graphic, I’d suggest making it taller, and putting the Say Uncle text down lower and offset a bit to the left to narrow it up a bit.

  13. Chris Byrne Says:

    Gaaaahhh contrast needed.

    Youre link color is very very bad my friend, and the link followed color is worse.

    Never make the link/link-follow lower contrast than the primary text and background.

  14. Chris Byrne Says:

    I thought the link followed color was jsut very slightly different… now looking at it again, that was just the angle of my screen, and there seems to be no difference between link and followed link.

  15. jed Says:

    Well, I still have to zoom the text to 130%. I do wish that blog designers wouldn’t specify the font size unless they absolutely have to, so my browser can use the default I specify for my eyeballs.

    So, what happens is that this comment box is partially hidden behind the right sidebar, and the Archives select month dropdown intrudes into the middle column. It also doesn’t do anything, so I guess it relies on JavaScipt. Bletch.

    And I’ve always hated when the background of a link changes on hover. Makes all sorts of things just go blinky/flashy as I move my mouse around.

  16. Robert Says:

    Not enough apes in the header.

  17. nk Says:

    I hate change. But I hope that this works out well.

  18. Sebastian Says:

    I hate change

    Please report for reprogramming to your nearest Obama campaign headquarters.

  19. nk Says:

    Seriously, the monochrome is not as friendly to my old eyes as the prior, stark, black, white and color format.

  20. Steve Johnson Says:

    Looks great! I love the graphic at the top.

  21. MadRocketScientist Says:

    Looks Good! I guess Robb actually does know what he is doing.

  22. Gregory Morris Says:

    Robb is a css ninja.

    I feel like I’m falling desperately behind the times when even Uncle’s site looks better than mine 🙂 I wonder how many boxes of 10mm it’ll cost me to get Robb to redo mine.

  23. Robb Allen Says:

    Link color – agreed. Need a darker link color. However, I hate followed links changing color. Personal tastes though. If Uncle wants, I can change the link to a much more contrasty color. I can see where some people might not be able to make it out.

    Jed, I don’t specify a particular font size, but rather a percentage. Uncle uses a fixed width layout so there’s only so much room in the middle to put text. That, and I’m using the same sizing as he did before. In Firefox, hitting CTRL and the “+” should increase everything proportionally if you’re having a hard time seeing things.

    Sebastian – The graphic size is the same as the old layout. Figured if people could deal with the way things were, then I wouldn’t mess too many people up. Again, it’s a fixed width layout, so the banner needed to extend all the way out.

    I don’t like the divisions either when it comes to all the posts together. If Uncle wants, I’ll change that too.

    As far as contrast, outside of link color, the text is still black on white and the same as the old site. I prefer the darker colored background to highlight the content, but again that’s all personal preference. The back-end code is also optimized for search engines so Unpossible should get even higher rankings now.

  24. Linoge Says:

    Seconds/thirds/fourths the link color complaints. Also, there appeared to be something of a hang in IE7 running on Vista when loading the webpage. Not so much a bug, just a slight pause while I guess it gets everything it needs. For instance, on the old webpage, the load-time counter was always sub-1-second, and now it is reading 1.328.

    Yes, I nitpick.

    Otherwise, does not look half bad ;).

  25. Tam Says:

    Look at my blog.

    Do I look like someone who gets all wound up about site design? 😉

  26. Lornkanaga Says:

    I kinda liked the old design. It was simple and straightforward, like I’ve always imagined Uncle to be.

    This will take some getting used to. I do like the header graphic, though (g).

  27. Tony Says:

    Link… color… eye strain!

    Other than that, good stuff!

  28. Benz Says:

    I like it. Nice upgrade over the old look …

  29. Sebastian Says:

    I got an idea, but it might be lame…. as a post divider, how about a line with a bullet at the end of it. Something like this

    =================================================/ D

    Except not lame like that.

  30. Rustmeister Says:

    Aw, man. No more Terrance and Philip.

    I like it, but the banner across the top seems too narrow. The top of (your?) head is cut off.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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