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Do what we want or we’ll pen a harshly worded letter

In case you missed it from the post below:

But Obey lashed out at both the NRA, which failed to endorse him in his most recent race despite his pro-gun rights record, and Bloomberg. He said the mayor’s representatives came to his office and threatened to run television ads attacking him.”

Nice. But what we expect from anti-gun zealots. The mayor denies it:

Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s aides threatened to run negative ads against House Appropriations Committee chairman David Obey if pro-gun legislation opposed by the mayor was passed in that committee, Obey claimed yesterday. The mayor’s office denied the charge.

Speaking during a committee session, Obey (D-Wis.) said Bloomberg aides told his staff that TV ads painting him as anti-law enforcement would be run in his district if the provision, known as the Tiahrt Amendment, restricting police use of federal gun checks, was passed.

“The Mayor’s staff came into my office, and rather than discuss the merits, they simply did what so many bullies do … they threatened to run ads in my district if I didn’t bow to their wishes,” Obey said according to a transcript provided by his staff.

The Fraternal Order of Police supports the Tiahrt amendment. Per Bloomie, for that they are a fringe group.

Someone tell Knoxville Mayor Bill Haslam that this is the type of man he has chosen to associate with.

One Response to “Do what we want or we’ll pen a harshly worded letter”

  1. Rivrdog Says:

    Bloomberg is the meglo of the century, so far, but will likely retain that title 93 more years.

    Why hasn’t someone with ‘nads and access to a lawsuit filing clerk sued him for abuse of his authority, which runs to ONLY the Executive Branch of the NYC government?

    With this fathead butting into just about everything OUTSIDE of NYC, he has to have crossed a legal line by now.

    He needs to get sued into oblivion.

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