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If you’re a brave foot soldier in the war on gun ownership, there’s no better way to show your bravery than by calling for expanding tough gun restrictions in a place where, uh, those restrictions already exist:

The Rev. Jesse Jackson galvanized the members of the Calvary Hill Community Church in San Francisco’s Bayview district Sunday morning with a call to renew urban communities by wiping out gun violence.


The civil rights leader and two-time presidential candidate said he is specifically focused on reinstating the assault weapons ban, which expired in 2004.

But, uh, California has had a ban on weapons that look like assault weapons since 1989.

6 Responses to “Bravery”

  1. Ron W Says:

    The Reverend Jackson, who wants apologies and reparations for slavery is working to impose one of the main aspects of slavery, that of disarming the people and depriving them of one of the most basic human rights; armed self-defense.

  2. Rustmeister Says:

    On the other hand, I wonder if I could get any press by calling for the right to keep and bear arms?

  3. Cactus Jack Says:

    “But, uh, California has had a ban on weapons that look like assault weapons since 1989”

    Obviously the “reverend” dosnt know that. All he cares about is getting his face in the news.

  4. Ron W Says:


    If you got any press, it would probably be to label you as a dangerous extremist and, according to Section 802 of the “Patriot Act”, one engaging in terrorism.

  5. straightarrow Says:

    Any bets on whether Mr. Jackson has armed bodyguards?

  6. SayUncle » Bravery - 2 Says:

    […] continuing the fine tradition in the fight against gun ownership, the proud foot soldiers continue their protests in areas that already have the stringent gun […]

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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