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Indoctrination – again

I guess all this indoctrination goes both ways:

A Metro Nashville middle school teacher with a long history of opposing gay bias was suspended without pay for asking a black student how she would feel if he called her by a racial slur.

Well, that’s gay.

11 Responses to “Indoctrination – again”

  1. #9 Says:

    From WBIR:

    According to other accounts of the May 15 incident, he then asked the student how she would feel if he called her the offensive slur.

    The student responded by saying, “How would you feel if I called you a cracker?”

    Cracker doesn’t count. You cannot offend White people because they have all the power. That’s what they teach in college these days isn’t it?

  2. Sean Braisted Says:


    Isn’t it true? Do you get offended when someone calls you a Cracker? I couldn’t care less, in fact, I’d probably bust out laughing if someone did. Besides, unlike the “n-word” which is used almost entirely for the purpose of slurring a specific race; cracker is a multi-use word which refers to white people and a crunchy snack.

  3. #9 Says:

    Sean, would you agree that it is not possible to insult White people, because they have all the power?

    Isn’t that what you are saying?

  4. Alcibiades Says:

    Plus, there’s that restaurant chain called “Cracker Barrel”.

  5. SayUncle Says:

    In the article, they say gay and cracker. but no one, even sean, dares type nigger.

  6. #9 Says:

    Besides, unlike the “n-word” which is used almost entirely for the purpose of slurring a specific race

    Actually not. I have seen many movies where a black character says to another black character, “nigger please”.

    In fact I once heard Johnnie Cochran say “nigger please” on a talk show.

    So clearly, it has another purpose other than the slurring of a specific race.

    Confusing isn’t it Sean?

  7. #9 Says:

    Plus, there’s that restaurant chain called “Cracker Barrel”.

    Ironically most of the patrons are white people. Hmmm.

  8. Gunstar1 Says:

    Whaz up my crackers.

  9. Gunstar1 Says:

    I saw on tv that someone said it is not nigger, it is nigga.

    Opps, I just realized my previous post was wrong…

    Whaz up ma crackas.

  10. #9 Says:

    Cracker please.

  11. straightarrow Says:

    Nothing says “I am inferior.” better than requiring special dispensation from the consequences in which one engages.

    We used to make those special considerations for the feeble-minded, it seems we now have an entire race screaming their inferiority at the top of their lungs to garner special protected status.

    Entire race is hyperbole, perhaps I should have said an entire “celebrated” race. After all, I know many people of color who do not hold with the notion that they require special protections. They are quite willing to engage as freepersons in society and not as a member of a self-described inferior group.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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