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Making the Dirkhising mistake again

Last week I wrote about the local online Editor of the Knoxville News Sentinel and comments he made about Charlie Daniels concerning the Channon Christian and Christopher Newsome case. Updated information on that story here.

Since then I have learned of other horrible criminal cases where the Main Stream Media has non-reported and under reported stories that calls into question whether there is a politically correct filter being applied to the news we are allowed to read and see.

Both La Shawn Barber and Michelle Malkin have written about the Wichita Massacre. Never heard of it. It was a case similar to but even worse than the Channon Christian and Christopher Newsome case.

Via Glenn Reynolds a story from John Leo of the New York Sun. John Leo writes of the case of Jesse Dirkhising, a 13-year-old Arkansas boy who was drugged, tied to a bed, raped, tortured, and killed by two homosexual men. Never heard of it.

John Leo asks the question, “Before long, more news consumers will conclude that even crime news is in effect being politicized. Is this any way to protect an industry in trouble?”

Glenn Reynolds writes, “Plus, ironically the news folks’ desire not to give white supremacist types ammo winds up doing just that.”

Political correctness is a cancer on this country. Is it too much to ask that the media just report the news? All of it? And editors wonder why people are not reading the newspaper.

10 Responses to “Making the Dirkhising mistake again”

  1. Jay G Says:

    Two words: Jeffrey Curley.

  2. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    Is it too much to ask that the media just report the news? All of it?

    Probably. The news media has never, ever, at any time in our nation’s history, been a simple transparent conduit of information. That’s what the Internet is for.

    What you’d like to see happen isn’t going to happen. It just can’t. We should give up on that idea, and follow the blogosphere model–get news from all angles and thus get the bigger picture. The faux attempts at ‘balance’ (whatever the fuck that is, anyway) just muddle everything.

  3. LissaKay Says:

    It’s not just crime that is being politicized … I recently noted an article on an arts and crafts festival that made sure to mention that:

    Festival organizers are inviting everybody, old and young, and they’ve got keen interest from across South Knoxville’s often-contentious political spectrum

    Oy vey.

  4. Katherine Coble Says:

    I’m kind of surprised you’d never heard of the Dirkhising case. It was sorta big news a few years back in the same way the Christian/Newsome case is now.

  5. #9 Says:

    I’m kind of surprised you’d never heard of the Dirkhising case. It was sorta big news a few years back in the same way the Christian/Newsome case is now.

    Is that a double entendre?

  6. chris Says:

    I remember the Arkansas case, because it was reasonably reported in the Memphis Commercial Appeal (a good bit of which was related by my parents to me) and the Wichata massacre only because I read about it in right-leaning blogs.

    I also remember the wholesale killing of patrons in a Manhatten restaurant a year or so ago by a black gunman who was cursing and maligning white people as he selectively killed them. The New York DA failed to see, or prosecute, this as a hate crime, however.

    The plain truth of the matter is that hate crime only embraces crimes committed by caucasian (preferrably hetero)perpetrators and no one else.

    I also get a chuckle when I see the news media earnestly (and with no irony, whatsoever) report about and extoll efforts within the black community to reduce black on black crime.

    This is simply saying that all crimes committed by blacks should be committed against caucasians – nothing more.

    Would the media cover the event if I try to hold a neighborhood meeting in my part of town in which the avowed purposed of the meeting was to reduce white on white crime? I think so.

    But then again, there isn’t a Congressional White Caucus.

    The Congressional Black Caucus, however, has repeatedly excluded any white Congressmen and women from participating, most recently Rep. Steve Cohen of Memphis, who was elected to Harold Ford Jr.’s former Congressional seat.

    And the media got curiously quiet since the Durham DA declared the 3 defendants “innocent” and the former prosecutor is fighting to keep his law license.

    I wish that the media and the law treated everyone equally, but it’s not going to happen any time soon.

  7. Exador Says:

    I wrote an email to the editor of the pathetic, leftwing rag of Atlanta’s paper. I included a link to the story, and asked why they have not mentioned it. [after doing a search of their archives].
    Never received a response and never saw a word of it in the paper.

  8. Kirk Parker Says:

    Daddy, what’s a “newspaper”?

  9. JustDoIt Says:

    ‘Old media’ = newspapers, television, radio, etc. – all are politacally or otherwise motivated and it simply is not in THEIR best interest to accruately report anything.

    Thank G-D for the internet and Blogs! Brings to mind the old Dylan song about how “The Times they are a’changin’ “.

    “Your old world is rapidly fading – get out of the new one if you can’t lend a hand, for the times they are a changin’ “.

  10. JustDoIt Says:

    ^^^ “politically” motivated…

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