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The NYT actually reported a defensive gun use. I share Kevin’s shock. Perhaps something like this getting press is enough to get New Yorkers to not be so oppositional to shall-issue carry.

What? It could happen.

7 Responses to “Shocking”

  1. Kevin Baker Says:

    “What? It could happen.”

    Yeah, and monkeys could fly out of my butt…

  2. d Says:

    The bad thing about this though: under NYC law, this is an illegal shooting. (Unless a woman in a wheelchair managed to unlock her guncase, take the triggerlock off, take the ammo out of the separate bag, all while fighting off an adult male).
    The NYPD are just too embarrassed to charge her.

  3. Bruce Says:

    It’s stories like this that are tempting me to CCW against the “restrictions” on my Massachusetts Class A License to Carry [read: won] a Firearm.

    If it’s properly concealed, the only way anyone will know is if I have to draw it in a life or death situation. Were I to actually use it to end an immediate threat to my life, the police would have two choices: Charge me for illegal defense of my life (i.e it would be illegal for me to be breathing) or do nothing, setting up a massive pro-2A precedent in this Marxist crapnugget of a state.

    I just need something a tad more concealable than my Ruger P345.

  4. Standard Mischief Says:

    The bad thing about this though: under NYC law, this is an illegal shooting. (Unless a woman in a wheelchair managed to unlock her guncase, take the triggerlock off, take the ammo out of the separate bag, all while fighting off an adult male).

    The NYPD are just too embarrassed to charge her.

    You know, this is exactly the kinda stink that needs to be spread far and wide. I didn’t even think to figure the woman was breaking the law, but I bet you are right.

    Of course, If we make too big a fuss, they’ll have to charge her, and I wouldn’t want that to happen.

    In Maryland, we need to transfer firearms off private property in a locked trunk of an automobile with the ammo in a separate box, and with the rounds outside of any type magazine or clip. We can’t actually have anyone accidentally defending themselves from crime in a public place. Maryland ranks #1 in robberies and #4 in both violent crime and murder.

    (SM jumps over to to check facts)

  5. Standard Mischief Says:

    Ok, I just read the above link to “The Smallest Minority“. The money quote from Kevin:

    Though I’m certain that, after the hubbub dies down, her “premises permit” will be quietly revoked and her .357, which I’m sure was taken as evidence, will never be returned to her.

  6. countertop Says:

    I don’t know. It depends on when she first got her permit, but there are some people with permits in NYC.

    My uncle had one. He couldn’t carry it all the time, but he could carry it to the range and for some other things cause he was grandfathered in.

    Don’t know the exact details, though I willt ry to find out.

  7. d Says:

    countertop – I have a NYC premise permit (the same one she had). That’s the rule unfortunately. We went shooting up in CT sunday, and my buddy just tucked his Sig into his belt after we picked him up.

    I was (ahem) jealous.

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