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What media bias against guns?

First, (as mentioned before), the assault weapons ban canard is popping up. While pointing out that in 2005 murder is up, casually mention the assault weapons ban expired. It doesn’t seem to matter that murder is up in places that have a ban or that there is no evidence that murders committed with formerly banned are on the rise or that the preferred and most common weapon used in murder is a handgun. Gunbloggers need to stay on this one.

Second, in South Africa, comes something you’ll never see in the American press:

While the gun control lobby called for the act to be strengthened, the pro-gun groupings argued that the laws were in conflict with the constitutional protection of property and the right to compensation if firearms were forfeited as a result of the act.

Did you catch it? Here in the states, the press never calls an anti-gun group a lobby. They are activists or advocates. Meanwhile, the NRA is always a lobby and never an activist or advocacy group.

Next up, David Hardy smacks down the Daytona Beach News for

As Don Kates has pointed out with regard to another article, “Among the highly misleading things in this article is that the ordinary reader will probably never realize that the retreat rule has always been the minority rule in the U.S. So instead of a horrible earthshaking change taking place, all that is happening is that the legislatures of at most 15 states have adopted what was already the rule in most states.”

The assault on castle doctrine is heating up as well.

Update: regarding the assault weapons canard, pro-gun progressive says:

The article also presents the other staple of the media anti-gun bias playbook: the unrebutted quote from a Bradyite mouthpiece which distorts a key fact

3 Responses to “What media bias against guns?”

  1. Sebastian Says:

    That’s a good point about nomenclature and the NRA as a lobby…I made a point today of pointing out that the Bradyites are a lobby as well.

    It’s a subtle but recognizable bias–the people you like are advocates or activists, and bad guys are lobbies.

  2. Sebastian Says:

    That’s a good point about nomenclature and the NRA as a lobby…I made a point today of pointing out that the Bradyites are a lobby as well.

    It’s a subtle but recognizable bias–the people you like are advocates or activists, and bad guys are lobbies.

  3. SayUncle » I told you Says:

    […] I’ve mentioned that in the last couple of weeks that there is a two-pronged front going on for the gun control movement. One is the assault weapons ban canard and the other is the assault on castle doctrine. Kevin spotted another case of the latter: Intruder fatally shot […]

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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