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Well, fugger you

Fugger calls it quits. Bummer. Says he:

To the 50-60 people (not the 20 bots) who came by every single day and read every article I posted, I saw your IP’s every day, my software tracks them so I could see who had how many visits, and I could see everything about you, right down to where you lived, what page you clicked on next, etc etc, I just never heard a peep from you. So here is a suggestion – next time you enjoy a free website so much that you read it every day, or 2-3 times a week, leave the guy writing it a note of thanks, or a comment or two every once in awhile!

I concur that folks should comment more. But the facts are that most blog readers are other bloggers. They could spend time commenting or spend the time blogging. Since they’re bloggers, they usually do the latter. So, don’t take it too badly if you don’t get comments but do get multiple hits. It’s just how it is. I know for a fact that I have far more readers than commenters and, though I do wish those non-commenting lurker types would at least say hi or good job or tell me to fuck off just so I know what they what they think, that’s OK. Heck, I don’t comment much at other blogs I read but I seem to comment a lot at a few other blogs. Also, given that some folks have lost their jobs and received death threats over comments at blogs, I see why folks tend to not comment so much.

11 Responses to “Well, fugger you”

  1. Ravenwood Says:

    fuck off.

  2. DocB Says:

    Ok – Hi there! – your doing a great job!


  3. Denise Says:

    Say Uncle,
    I read you every day and haven’t given you an “attaboy” so here it is–good job, man, good job. Slightly off topic, I’ve noticed in my own blogging that I can work my heart out on a post and get 2 comments. Then, because I don’t have time I’ll throw something together and get 10 comments. Sometimes, those comments include arguments about a point I would have covered if I’d had more time, but other times they’re admiring my argument. Blogging is a funny way to not make a living.

  4. SayUncle » Blogspot and spam Says:

    […] Speaking of comments, several of you have told me that your comments are getting eaten by spam filters. Well, the reason is that Spam Karma has added blogspot blogs to its filter due to all the link farms/spam blogs set up on blogspot. So, I’ve recovered some and there are others that I can’t find. If you’re comment hasn’t shown up, I apologize. Fact is, it’s hard for me to go find your comment if it’s older than a few hours and that’s because I get over 500 spam attempts per day. […]

  5. Justin Buist Says:

    Yup. Looking at my own stats it’s almost 100:1 vs visits and comments.

  6. Dave Says:

    Yo – your on my short list of daily reads and definitely one of the more enjoyable ones. I’ve commented occasionally in the past, but usually I don’t get to read a story until the following day and by that time any discussion in the comments has pretty much run its course and chances are that no one will see or respond. That’s why I comment so infrequently. But that’s not a GOOD excuse!

  7. Les Jones Says:

    I like the comments-to-post ratio as a metric. Michael Williams mentioned one time that his is about three to one. Mine’s about two-to-one. A lot of it depends on your writing style. The more opinionated you are, the more comments you get, whether they’re attaboys or middle fingers.

  8. Kit Says:

    Hi, good job!

    I read you every day via your feed and crosspost your articles to my blog from time to time.

    I think the comment thing has something to do with the *way* we blog, though. For instance, my blog on my web site barely gets any comments at all. But my mirrored posts on Livejournal – the same, exact content – gets 10-50 comments *per post*. I don’t know if LJ just fosters more of a commenting community or what. I do notice I don’t comment on other blogs as much myself, and I think it’s because I don’t feel the sense of community that makes me feel like I can butt in anytime I please. Something to ponder.

  9. Kit Says:

    I would add, however, that comments or no comments doesn’t really affect how or why I blog. I’d write even if nobody was reading, because I do it because it’s fun for me, personally. I like keeping a “diary” of sorts, and I’m not a very private person, so everything is just out there.

  10. Fug Says:

    The rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.

    I most definetly need to go recharge my batteries for awhile, and a friend of mine who goes by “DeFens” will be helping out with some articles in my downtime. He is a great writer and tremendously knowledgable about firearms.


  11. Fug Says:

    PS – Sorry for the confusion Uncle!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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