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Relative Worth, Satisfaction and Fun

One common misconception that most people believe is that they are underpaid for what they do. Even me, but at least I can prove it. Regardless, this truth is relevant in so many ways. I had an employee who, about one year and a half ago, came into my office with their game-face on and informed me that they could make $12K more per year by leaving and working at XYZ Company. They demanded a raise. I, in the nicest way I could, instructed them that if they could get that kind of raise elsewhere, then they should take it because it’s not happening here. I know what I can pay someone else for the job. They’re still here.

Am I a coldhearted bastard? No. This person has only a GED and no other particularly marketable skills. Kids today need to prepare themselves for this reality. My parents’ generation, for example, could get jobs right out of high school and be reasonably successful. My parents did. That’s not the case today. It wasn’t the case for me. If your only marketable skill is that you can lift heavy things, you’re career is time-limited and low-paying.

I’m not an accountant because I wanted to be one as a child. And most of you aren’t what you wanted to be as children either. I, for example, wanted to be a ninja. Sadly, this job is hard to get. I’m not Japanese enough, the agency told me. It’s a pity. They have really good dental and the uniform allowance is fantastic. I spent a lot of time perfecting my ability to disappear in a cloud of smoke for nothing. I’m an accountant because it’s marketable, opens up to other industries through wide exposure, and I’m good at it.

Kids today need marketable skills. There are plenty of fields that are quite marketable. The problem is these fields aren’t particularly fun or are particularly difficult. I’m thinking of law, accounting, engineering, software development, medicine, etc. There are also fields that provide great satisfaction to people but are low paying (teachers, nurses, policeman come to mind). These are all noble endeavors but may not pay the bills.

There is also the danger of overdoing it in one particularly unpopular field. I know a guy with a PhD in physics who manages a Subway restaurant. I know a person with a Masters in biochemistry who is in sales. Also, the Simpson’s had a joke about PhD’s at the bookstore. Bart walked up to the service counter and said a professorship opened up at the local college their faces lit up. Then he instructed them he was joking. If the people I mentioned above could get jobs in their field, they would likely be paid fairly well. Problem is that it’s just tough to get jobs in those fields.

There is a balance. Finding something you enjoy, are good at, and that pays decently isn’t that tough. I enjoy what I do but if you’d asked back when I was going to be a ninja if I ever thought I’d be an accountant, I’d have responded with a resounding No way, Jose. However, marketability is something to consider in this day and age.

11 Responses to “Relative Worth, Satisfaction and Fun”

  1. William Burton Says:

    Where were you when I was 16 years old?

    I’m serious. No one ever sat down and explained things like that to me. I had to learn it all by screwing up repeatedly until I figured out a better way.

    Which is kinda odd, cause my Dad worked his way up the food chain from a young age and was never shy about telling us to speak more clearly or sit up straight.

    Guess he thought the other stuff was so obvious it didn’t need an explanation (or he was too drunk to care).

  2. Indigo Says:

    A guy I knew with a PhD in psychology drove a big highway truck for the DOT. I hope he finally found something in his field. He should have had plenty of OJT.

  3. Dave Says:

    When I delivered pizzas in South Knoxville years ago, we had one driver with a PhD, two with Master’s Degrees, and five with Bachelor’s Degrees. Fortunately, we all have moved on to greener pastures. 🙂

  4. Ted Says:

    My daughter is in college now, majoring in Math with an education minor. She plans to get her Masters so she can teach at the college level. Her attitude is “They’ll always need math teachers”.

  5. Watcher of Weasels Says:

    The Council Has Spoken!
    Here are the full tallies of all votes cast

  6. Watcher of Weasels Says:

    The Council Has Spoken!
    Here are the full tallies of all votes cast

  7. Watcher of Weasels Says:

    Submitted for Your Approval
    First off…&nbsp any spambots reading this should immediately go here, here, here, and here.&nbsp Die spambots, die!&nbsp And now…&nbsp here are all the links submitted by members of the Watcher’s Council for this week’s vote. Council links:Correcti…

  8. Watcher of Weasels Says:

    The Council Has Spoken!
    First off…&nbsp any spambots reading this should immediately go here, here, here, and here.&nbsp Die spambots, die!&nbsp And now…&nbsp the winning entries in the Watcher’s Council vote for this week are Are You My Daddy? by Four Right Wing Wackos,…

  9. Fried Man Says:

    Contest again
    I’m submitting myself to the Watcher’s Council contest again. The most recent winning council post is “Are You My Daddy?”. Unfortunately I can’t read it since it is on Blogspot which is blocked in China. The most recent winning non-council post is “Pas…

  10. Spicedsass Says:

    Watchers Council
    A belated post linking to the January 15th results will be accepted if it also links to all entries nominated for…

  11. SayUncle » His name was Earl Says:

    […] And, most importantly, I learned that manual labor is a shitty way to earn a living. Something I’ve said before: If your only marketable skill is that you can lift heavy things, you’re career is time-limited and low-paying. […]

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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