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So, my days consist of getting up early and getting home late. Minimal blogging from the client site since I’m busy and, well, they actually pay by the hour (yeah, someone actually does that these days – I’m used to flat fees). S0, I check email and address a few comments from the job but that’s about it. Plus, I agreed to blog at Michael’s for a bit while he recovers (but not much actual blogging there yet). So, I come home late. Play with Junior and talk to the wife. Have a mint julep or 5 then sit behind the computer once the rest of the household has gone to bed to blog and realize I just don’t have it in me, even though these guys are giving me shit.

In fact, you’ll see this at 12:10 am on Thursday but I’m typing it at 9:44 pm on Wednesday. It’s true, I cheat. I blog at night and publish in the morning, except for some stuff. And that trend will continue because I can’t figure out a way to get paid to blog that pays more than a few hundred bucks every couple of months (No, I’m not begging for money and I have no intentions of trying to make a living doing this shit. Just pointing out that I have priorities.). So, again, sorry for all the linky no thinky type posts but thems the breaks.

Oh, and apparently my post on Zachypoo not getting the death penalty got a bit of play in the blogosphere but I have to express disappointment that not one person took offense to the sentence that read:

Though I’d have no problem taking him out (and my method would involve duct tape and a pork chop), I think it’s for the best not to make a martyr of him.

So, no uber-sensitive, Phil Donahue type got mad over my obvious religious sleight? I must be slacking in my ability to offend.

10 Responses to “Bloggin”

  1. Marc Says:

    Mint juleps? Really?

  2. Marc Says:

    Pork chop and duct tape? How does that work?

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Yup. I dig them in the summer. Mine are basically Bourbon with some mint added.

    RE: Pork chop and duct tape: A good thing to aim at.

  4. rich Says:

    I do my writig at night and pre post as well.

    It works better that way. If I didn’t, I’d never post at all.

  5. #9 Says:

    People that love taxes are generally not the ones that have to pay for those taxes. Which is the stronger addiction, opium or OPM (other peoples money)?

  6. Terry Says:

    Maybe if you draw a cartoon with the duct tape and pork chop, Nashville Scene will pick up on it.

    Glad you’re working. Juggling is hard (I mean family, job, blog—not that you’re working as a juggler!)

  7. Ninth Stage » Blog Archive » Taxes Are the OPM of the Left Says:

    […] #9 says it best “People that love taxes are generally not the ones that have to pay for those taxes. Which is the stronger addiction, opium or OPM (other peoples money)?” That’s a comment by #9 to this post by SayUncle and refers to this post at Lean Left. […]

  8. tgirsch Says:

    even though these guys are giving me shit.

    Glad we could be of assistance. I’m going away for a week and a half, so enjoy the time off. 🙂

  9. tgirsch Says:

    People that love taxes are generally not the ones that have to pay for those taxes.

    I’m not the droid you’re looking for. Actually, I think you’ll find that quite the opposite is true. The people who argue most adamantly both for and against taxes tend to be in the upper tax brackets.

  10. #9 Says:

    I’m not the droid you’re looking for. Actually, I think you’ll find that quite the opposite is true. The people who argue most adamantly both for and against taxes tend to be in the upper tax brackets.

    Are you R2D2? I am not talking about droids I am talking about people. Why should I have to pay for your liberal angst? Keep it to yourself.

    I don’t know of anyone that wants more taxes. Who are you hanging with? Here is an idea, tell them to give to charity. Leave the rest of us alone.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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