Archive for August, 2021

August 30, 2021


This website turns nineteen today. I just thought I should note that. Still not feeling up for writing much and have only marginally paid attention to guns or politics or much because in March, my house burned to the ground. Complete loss. The cause is undetermined and never will be but I suspect something in the attic.

But this ain’t a post about that, it’s a post about this: One of the things that I lost was years and years of handwritten recipes. Now, I can, generally, recall quite a few of them but not all. For some that require precise measurements, I need those. And some I’ve forgotten completely. I’ve done quite a few things that I had recipes for with success. Others, I’ve had to search the internet for close enough variations of mine. With that said

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, I’m going to start posting those here from time to time so that I have them and maybe you guys will enjoy them too. No word on when I’ll be up on guns or politics, just not been into that since the passing of my wife and now this.

Also, I will post just the recipes (foreshadowing) not those longwinded, autobiographical pieces that pass as recipes these days because Google likes them that way. You know, just show the recipe. I and the rest of the planet don’t give two shits about that time you were in Tuscany and how this recipe takes you there. And, in an ironic twist, I will end this post with a recipe for creme fraiche:

1 pint heavy cream
2 tablespoons of cultured buttermilk

Combine in a mason jar and give it a stir. Cover the jar with a cheese cloth and leave on the counter for 24 hours. After 24 hours, put it in the refrigerator. Once it’s cold, it’s a creamier and more delicious sour cream. Oh, and if you like


, you can flavor it with herbs before refrigerating.


Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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