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Gun Porn

2019 and 2020 appear to be the year of the pistol caliber carbine. Rise Armament Quarter Circle 10 AR-Platform Pistol

14 years ago*, I had a 9mm AR-15. I got it for the purpose of shooting at the indoor gun range (other cool kids did the same thing). Once I moved to a place where I could shoot outdoors, I didn’t really think I needed it anymore.

Now, with pistol braces being ubiquitous, I’m thinking a shorter barreled 9mm AR might be a good choice for home defense. Plus, they’re fun as hell to shoot.

* Holy shit, it’s been that long.

2 Responses to “Gun Porn”

  1. Will Says:

    If you have others resident there, or close neighbors, 9mm is not such a good idea. It is generally regarded as the most penetrating round in common use. This is one of the reasons that LE have tended to move to the .223 carbines for swat type operations. Those bullets tend to break up going thru typical home construction walls.

    Real world example: story goes the guy fumbled a Glock on his stairs, and tried to grab it, instead of letting it fall to the carpeted floor. Caused an ND that went thru his house, his neighbors house, and stopped midway thru the next house. Something like 13 walls or so? Cops were not happy with him, took his gun and cited him. (story was in one of the gun rags, maybe Handgunner?)

  2. JTC Says:

    Shouldn’t that be “Kool Kids”?

    Or as Caleb might hilariously say, “The Cabal”?

    Gosh I miss that Squirt. Heh.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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