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Trump on VA

He says gun confiscation won’t happen on his watch.

What if they have bump stocks?

6 Responses to “Trump on VA”

  1. JTC Says:

    Dude, you can’t take a solid statement and campaign promise of 2A support without a backhanded criticism?

    Not that the junk stock thing doesn’t matter, but in this context it is irrelevant and uncalled for…pathetic.

  2. Divemedic Says:

    I don’t blame Trump for this. I lay this at the feet of the NRA. Reportedly, Trump went to the NRA, and they expressed support for a bump stock ban.

    Trump isn’t a gun guy. He relied on the advice of what he thought were gun guys. The leadership of the largest and oldest pro gun organizations in the country told him that bump stocks were unnecessary. Read the official statement for yourself:

  3. Ravenwood Says:

    Over 15 years ago one of my anti-gun libtard friends was railing against the NRA. He knew my position on it but still asked me what I thought.

    I told him that I wasn’t even a member of the NRA (at the time I wasn’t) and that I thought the organization was too liberal.

    His head nearly exploded.

  4. Dave Says:

    Well. Needless to say both Trump and the NRA have earned a few snide comments over some gun control stuff.
    I throw a wide loop, and join all of the relevant gun rights organizations. I look for all the help I can get, even if I’m dissatisfied part of the time. Same goes for the President.

  5. Ron W Says:

    @Divemedic, From what I’ve read and heard, Don Jr. is a gun guy. I assume he has daddy’s ear. But I don’t think is a well informed Constitution guy either, but in Washington D.C., such are few and far between. The fedgov has NO delegated powers for gun laws pertaining to the People without which it may do NOTHING. (10th Amendment) AND the 2nd Amedment! Red Flag laws and universal background checks violate the 4th and 5th Amendments! But those who proclaim “the rule of law” and “no one is above the law” do the opposite. It’s what criminals do.

  6. Paul Says:

    Well ok.. you can vote for Bernie, Biden, Pocahontas, Buttigieg, etc… and see if ‘bumpstocks’ will be your real worry.


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