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I’m helping

Gov. Jerry Brown signs bill raising age to buy rifles, shotguns to 21. Even more Cali gun control. That ought to fix it.

3 Responses to “I’m helping”

  1. Standard Mischief Says:

    It looks like there is a hunting license “loophole” (i.e. ~$50 tax on the 18 to 20 year olds)

    Young adults will probably have to take a hunter safely course and pay the tax before buying a homeland defense rifle.

    The law sucks, but it would be good to have some positive unintended consequences from this B.S. There’s feral hogs out there than need harvesting.

  2. Ravenwood Says:

    If 18 year olds aren’t adults, is anyone? Why not just raise the age to 100?

  3. SPQR Says:

    Will sell a few more hunting licenses….

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