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I support your right. But I don’t endorse the practice.

Friends Dont Let Friends Open Carry

7 Responses to “I support your right. But I don’t endorse the practice.”

  1. Fred Says:

    Counter factual with a little reductio ad absurdum sprinkled on top

  2. JTC Says:

    “I support the right, not the practice.”

    That may be true of the writer’s friend, but I don’t think it is true of the writer himself. Little cutting statements like “you think you’re a badass by open carrying”, or “your big ol’ exposed gun” sound more like the words of antis used to deride armed carry in general, not just OC. That kind of divisive attitude and language is not indicative of someone who genuinely does support that right, and all rights related to 2A. And it tends to encourage the retort we all use when those rights are questioned, “because fuck you, that’s why”.

    Make no mistake, I am and have always been a critic of open carry, both for its efficacy in self-defense and its impact on public opinion, especially as practiced by some, and have made my opinion clear and known many times, including every time the issue came up in the course of my supplying the means of deadly defense to hundreds of customers in my stores. But I genuinely do support the right whereas that writer seems intent on proving that he doesn’t.

    And I’m not too sure about your intent either Unc, in making such a dumbass quip as the “friends don’t let friends…” bullshit. Yes, it’s a play on the drunk driving thing, but do you really liken those two completely unrelated choices and scenarios? It’s not up to you! If you don’t like it, don’t do it, and if you feel the need to put distance between you and those who do (and I have done that myself), then do that.

    But do not try to deny or control the free choice of any free man to exercise his own personal rights in his own personal way…we have enough of that from our enemies and we don’t need it from our own.

  3. Paul Says:

    Since I live in Texas I have seen a few carry openly. No biggie with me. But I am sure snowflakes crap in their pants.

    I use OC only when I’m hiking here. But that is my personal rule, others can do as the please. It is called ‘a free country.’

  4. MrSatyre Says:

    Cops open carry. Is that wrong, too?

  5. Ravenwood Says:

    Open carry is legal, common, and no big deal in Virginia. I went to Texas a few years ago after they de-illegalized open carry and it seemed like a much bigger deal down there. I saw quite a few people doing it, but also saw a lot of “no guns” signs going up. People definitely seemed to notice.

    In Virginia, people are too busy staring at their cell phones and walking into traffic to notice a gun on your hip.

  6. Dave Says:

    The author makes some cogent points, but as any writer does, brings their own perspective, hatred, fears and biases to the fore and projects them for all to see on to everyone else. Overall the article is fairly well put together.

    I really don’t care what method my law abiding brothers and sisters use to carry, so long as they’re safe with it.

    What I have a problem with is this fixation that gun pontificators have with nixing open carry. These kind of public shaming attempts only give ammunition to the other side and promote dissent within our ranks.

    People writing this stuff in a public venue, or linking to it, liking it, mentioning it, discussing it and arguing about it are feeding ammunition to the anti-gun crowd with abandon. All of this stuff ends up in their propaganda.

    Compliment in public, criticize in private. The internet is a great place to point out the stupidity of the anti-gun positions. but using the venue to foment dissent in our own ranks only weakens us.

  7. mikee Says:

    I, for one, recall that one reason Open Carry laws started passing was the problem of Concealed Carriers, with permits, having their shirt ride up, or their jacket blow open in a breeze, followed by calls to police and charges of brandishing weapons. by local anti-gun DAs. I even recall a few cases of concealed carriers being arrested and charged because their gun was printing through their clothes.

    Open Carry laws stopped that BS by antigun DAs.

    Also, Open Carry laws provided defenses against arrest in emergency situations, such as when evacuating from hurricanes in a car with your gun collection in a box in the back seat of the car.

    So Open Carry also applies to inadvertent display of your concealed gun, to exposure of the guns to public view, and to prevent Barney Fife’s cousins from giving you grief.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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