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Eric Cantor part 2?

A commie in NY has defeated a ten term incumbent Democrat:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old Latina running her first campaign, ousted 10-term incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley in New York’s 14th congressional district on Tuesday, CNN projects, in the most shocking upset of a rollicking political season.

I’m guessing there won’t be a blue wave but the blue will get bluer.

8 Responses to “Eric Cantor part 2?”

  1. NJDave Says:

    Per your commie point, wouldn’t it be a red wave not a blue wave? Makes things confusing now doesn’t it?

  2. pkoning Says:

    Hm. From one of her tweets shown in that article, she wants to “Abolish ICE”. I wonder if that’s a winning platform, even for NY.

  3. Ellen Says:

    Abolish ice? Isn’t that global warming?

  4. comatus Says:

    When you hear her name read on the radio, it comes out as ” O’Casey-O’Cortez ”
    and she sounds like one of those Celto-Chicanos like Bernardo O’Reilly.

    Several countries, mine included, could use a Bernardo O’Reilly about now. Yeah, she ain’t it.

  5. HL Says:

    This kind of thing will drive the remaining Union Blue-Collar types to Trump.

  6. mikee Says:

    She will become a creature of the party, like Maxine Waters has been for decades, spouting the party line and bringing in the far left vote. New York is sooooooo corrupt there is no other possible outcome.

  7. Drake Says:

    She worked for Ted Kennedy while a college student. I can image what her duties involved.

    Stuff like this is going to destroy the DNC in the rest of the country.

  8. Super Anonymous Says:

    The problem with the Democrats plan to use minorities to win electorally forever, is that long before they are a majority of America, minorities will control the Democrat Party and put a lot of white dudes out of a job. Their team might win, but they personally will be watching from the bleachers instead of groping the cheerleaders.

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