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I got killed on the streets three times today

Will You ‘Get Killed on the Streets?’ Personal-Defense Myths Debunked

2 Responses to “I got killed on the streets three times today”

  1. Fred Says:

    Millennial 1; “I feel like I’m literally getting killed on streets every day.”

    Millennial 2; “I know, right?”

  2. Lyle Says:

    Hmm. Not familiar with the term. I must be out of touch, which will no doubt get me killed on the streets.

    Anyway, that singular, critical factor that gets one person killed on the streets? That will be the one critical thing that saves the next person’s life.

    Draw or don’t draw? Shoot or don’t shoot? Which action gets you killed on the streets? The correct answer is either one, depending on which is right at that instant.

    And whether you live or die may not be the pertinent question at every given moment. There may be more important criteria.

    There’s that old saying too, which says that if it’s your time to go, well, bye. We all die.

    Chuck Yeager related an incident involving a test aircraft making a crash landing. Pilot and copilot. One ejects at the last second, and the other, at the same instant, decided to remain on board and ride it in. If the one who ejected hadn’t ejected he’d have died for sure, because when the plane hit ground his portion of the cockpit was crushed. If the one who didn’t eject had ejected, he’d have died for sure because…well read the book. Point is they both lived, whereas if they’d each made the opposite, split-second decision they’d both have died.

    I once flipped a penny five times in a row and got heads all five times too, but don’t bet on it happening again. That was the hour in which I found out my brother’s wife had just delivered their fifth daughter in a row.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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