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Trump slump

It’s a buyer’s market

4 Responses to “Trump slump”

  1. Tam Says:

    Ironically, the market is still strong…it’s just nowhere near what was predicted.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Yeah, I meant it as a poke at the trump slump others seem to perpetuate

  3. Don Says:

    Buyer’s market, seller’s market. I’ll continue to stock my armory at my pace, tyvm.

  4. JTC Says:

    Addressed in typical ad nauseam fashion at your “party of smaller government” post a few days ago, but condensed here down to “irrational exuberance” and “bubbles gonna bust, it’s what they do”.

    What was predicted Trump v. Clinton added the always dangerous speculation factor to an already largely saturated market, the result of a decade of red scare embodied by BHO, aka gun salesman of the century.

    Industry shakeout is inevitable. Price sells, and the market will happily absorb the pipeline backup at sub-cost prices but many makers, middlemen, and retailers already working on razor-thin margins, will fold.

    Third cycle for me; Carter/Reagan, Clinton/Bush, now Obama/Trump. This one will last longer though, all those millions of shootin’ irons sold in the last ten years will of course join pretty much every one ever made in the last hundred years or so in the national arsenal, which has increased a lot faster than the legal population.

    But demand will recover eventually, especially if we are stupid enough to squander this “trump slump”. And as I referenced back there also, there’s a pent-up market for some NFA stuff. Best way to sell shit to Americans is to tell us we can’t have it.

    Boom/bust. Supply/demand. Capitalism.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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