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Quote of the day


The Founders Couldnt Have Imagined Assault Rifles, She Blogged

That’s funny right there.

5 Responses to “Quote of the day”

  1. Ron W Says:

    So since the left says that the RKBA is conditioned on being in a government militia, then anything beyond a single shot muzzle loader should Not be allowed to government agents or its military?

  2. Roger.45 Says:

    Or television, radio, the internet, or political groups hell bent on interpreting the Constitution as a, “living document”.

  3. mikee Says:

    I look forward to a day when my right to arms is protected not just by the 2nd Amendment, but also by my right to privacy, with emanations and penumbras advanced to the point that unless I take the government stipend for arming myself and my family, what guns I own is nobody else’s business.

  4. Burnt Toast Says:

    Which is why the Founders put the patent clause in the Constitution, they had no imagination for invention.

  5. Lyle Says:

    “…The Founders Couldnt Have Imagined Assault Rifles…”

    So, the possession of imaginary assault rifles was prohibited?

    Anyway, the technical ignorance argument is a side issue to that of principle. The second amendment is there to protect the right of individuals to possess all the “terrible instruments of war” such that no army the government could assemble could easily overpower the general citizenry, that the power always reside where it belongs; with The People.

    That’s the whole argument and principle.

    That so many politicians are so ignorant of firearms (or they pretend to be so ignorant), is, in the bottom line, irrelevant to the principle. The second amendment is there precisely so that we don’t HAVE to convince the ignorant to agree with the principle. It’s there to DENY the ignorant, and the knowledgeable, the clever and the power hungry of all stripes the authority to interfere with the RKBA.

    If all politicians were the most knowledgeable, most experienced genius-saints who ever lived, they’d still be denied any authority to interfere with the exercise of any human right.

    That’s what we don’t understand, for why else would we diverge into conversations of the knowledge or the intelligence of the politicals?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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