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Constitutional Carry in Tennessee

It’s that time again for some one to try to pass it. And it will, again, go down due to Doug Overbey.

5 Responses to “Constitutional Carry in Tennessee”

  1. Tim Says:

    So your telling that the state of MAINE, the state that gave electoral votes to Hillary Clinton, passed constitutional carry, but for the great state of TENNESSEE, it’s just a bridge too far?

  2. Fred Says:

    Doug Overbey is YOUR rep!!! He’s the wrong caliber and you’re holding him wrong. Ha.

  3. wildbill Says:

    This is a bullshit law. Must carry openly? What happens if it’s cold out and you want to wear a coat? You cover up the gun and go to jail?

  4. Ron W Says:

    Constitutional Carry is a DUTY of the Legislature to pass and the Governor to sign because it is a DECLARED RIGHT of the people in Article I, Section 26 of the Tennessee Constitution’s Declaration of Rights. Failure to do so is a clear violation of their Constitutional oath of office!

  5. Erik Says:


    Did you read Art. I Sec 26? I’m thinking you didn’t or you would have said the legislature has the power to regulate the wearing of arms. Tennessee’s constitution simply does not provide for so called constitutional carry. That said, the legislature has already acted and with a permit you may carry open. This seems to be a waste of time and money.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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