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Quote of the day

Tam, on Lessons from ECQC:

For instance, since ECQC I’ve finally started practicing something I’d long preached and began carrying a can of Fox Labs OC around with me. It’s become more important to me to have a solid middle ground option between “harsh language” and “bust a cap in someone’s ass”.

I had kept a larger can in the truck. Now, I’ve ordered some in the handy keychain size. I’m gonna need more pockets.

3 Responses to “Quote of the day”

  1. dandydon Says:

    I know what you mean about needing more pockets. Sometimes I feel like I need a duty belt to free up some pocket space. I started carrying pepper spray to give myself a response level lower than EDC or concealed firearm.

  2. Alien Says:

    I need an insulated shoot-me-first-vest with sleeves for winter to for all the stuff in a regular EDC load-out: gun, reloads, backup gun, backup gun reloads, IFAK with turkeynet, Israeli pressure bandage, flashlight, spare batteries, whistle, knife, spare knife, fire starter, paracord, disposable hand restraints, compass, cell phone, rapelling gear…..wait, what?

    In all seriousness, pepper spray is a good addition, but don’t forget to buy a couple cans of practice spray and work with it before you have to unlimber the real stuff.

  3. Gerry Says:

    I gave Fox OC to folks I work with that are runners. They have hosed down several dogs over the years that like to nip at them when they run. One good dosing seems to cure to problem.

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