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Rule 2 and the barrel rest

Via Tam, I don’t think the shoe top barrel rest is worth a case of the vapors. But I don’t think they’re a good idea either.

15 Responses to “Rule 2 and the barrel rest”

  1. Fred Says:

    I just want it on the record that Tam agrees with me.

    (because she is way smarter, probably twice as, smart as me. So I got one right! Whew, finally. I’m just glad her blog is not a quiz, from which the results are publicly available)

    My comment from prior;

    “Fred Says:
    June 20th, 2016 at 7:40 pm

    Bad habit.”

  2. Chas Says:

    They’re for break-open shotguns that have been broken open. No issue.

  3. mariner Says:

    Thank you, Chas.

    I seem to remember that has been discussed rather thoroughly here. I didn’t see any reason for it then either.

  4. Bruce Says:

    Meh, I never worry about other people shooting themselves. Really, I’m fine with it.

  5. Tam Says:

    I just said shoe buttons and heroin can form bad habits, Bruce; I didn’t say I cared whether you used either. 🙂

  6. HL Says:

    Just make them out of AR500 steel.

  7. mikee Says:

    How about we make a round piece of leather that juts out about 2 inches from the outside of one shoe, so the only thing under it is the ground? Then we rest the muzzle of our broken-open single or double shot shotgun on that, and thus stop the whining of the safetyboys while still using the muzzle-down, action-open shotgun rest position?

    I mean, skeet isn’t like getting a BB gun for Christmas, where the worst one can do is shoot one’s own eye out.

  8. SPQR Says:

    When I was teaching hunter safety, I would go on a rant about the magnetic barrel rests/rifle racks that would be sold with a picture of one on side of a truck.

    Someone would always challenge me and I’d just go up to 11.

  9. Publius Says:


    I can see the potential safety issue with the barrel rest–that’s obvious.

    While I’m sure you know what you are talking about, the issue with the magnetic racks is not obvious to me. Would you please explain why it is so unsafe? Thanks.

  10. Publius Says:

    P.S. I’d probably buy a barrel rest just to wear one since it seems to get everyone going. I don’t think I would ever use it for its intended purpose, however.

  11. SPQR Says:

    Publius, people buy them and stick them to side of truck. Lean gun against them, Passing dog or a door slam and rifle falls down, go boom.

  12. Ratus Says:

    Since it’s not pointed at my toes, I don’t care.

  13. Publius Says:


    That make sense, thanks.

  14. SPQR Says:

    Publius, it’s not theoretical. Have at least one accident report in my files as described.

  15. Publius Says:


    I believe you. Now that you mention it I could also see issues due to someone forgetting or not knowing it was there and driving off. I just don’t hunt or own dogs, and I spend as little time as possible hanging out with the sort of person who does (not that I object if other people choose to do so), so the safety hazard wasn’t obvious to me.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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