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I wear them six days a week

I build houses and carry lots of crap. In defense of cargo shorts:

I’m Taking a Stand for Cargo Shorts and Their Big, Gaping Man Pockets. Pockets Filled With Stuff. Like Freedom.

6 Responses to “I wear them six days a week”

  1. rickn8or Says:

    Same here, except when I’m ankle-carrying.

  2. Tirno Says:

    I’ll stop wearing cargo shorts when it gets cold and I start wearing cargo pants.

    But I’m not going to wear cargo shorts with mid-calf black socks and sandals. That’s too far, even for me.

  3. Nick Says:

    The childish shitposter in me has to giggle at “big, gaping man pockets”, but otherwise yes, this.

  4. SPQR Says:


  5. Fred Says:

    Ten mags in your pockets and the relief of a cool breeze ain’t going out of style.

  6. mikee Says:

    A friend of mine once took a weekend off from his job in the Army and flew down to Cozumel (back in the 1970s). His nylon ripstop parachute pants were looked upon with some envy by other tourists and even the hotel staff.

    Years later, he regretted not realizing the fashion business opportunity he had missed.

    If you can wear it, you can probably sell it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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