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Problem solver

A Hi Point, some machining and an Aimpoint yields this:


6 Responses to “Problem solver”

  1. Robert Says:

    I don’t have the words…

  2. wildbill Says:

    Oh! The humanity!

  3. jeff Says:

    “Proper grip angle”

  4. Lyle Says:

    I’m sure I’ve done worse things than that.

    I am reminded of a computer science professor at the University of Idaho, sometime in the 1980s. We were showing him the nifty new MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) keyboards we’d just gotten in;
    (Pause, with confused look on his face) “Why would anyone want to hook a musical instrument to a computer?”

    Not the same thing as this, I know, but I am reminded of it.

    If you never did any project until you could do it perfectly, you’d never get to the point where you could.

  5. Dave Says:

    Wow. Somewhere there’s a nightstand where that poor amalgam of zinc, aluminum, and plastic could have resided unmolested.
    It’s pretty bad when you feel awkward about seeing a Hi Point mangled.

  6. Dr. Evil Says:

    “You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have guns with frickin’ laser beams attached to them!”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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