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The Boston Globe really wants you to know it hates guns

Guy who sells ammo puts up sign saying he sells ammo. Everybody freak out.

That evil gun lobby what with it giving its money to college shooting teams and stuff.

2 Responses to “The Boston Globe really wants you to know it hates guns”

  1. Guav Says:

    “He’s taking an opportunity to blast his politics in a violent way,” Davis said.

    “Blast” …. “violent.”

    Again, the sign simply says “We sell ammo.”


  2. Chas Says:

    An ordinary commercial sign is “violent”? Cultural Marxism has infantilized way too many people. Of course, private sector ass kicking is highly illegal, but maybe we could pass laws requiring the police to do it for us, so that it would be legal. Sounds like a plan!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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