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The market speaks

In light of the misguided cries for gun control, I’ve noticed that bulk ammo in popular calibers have surged in price.

A dealer I know told me this morning that he had 265 AR-15s in stock. As of about one o’clock, he had none.

Gun sales surge among lesbians and gays.

AR-15s flying off the shelves.

If the democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) really want fewer guns in America, they should really shut up.

5 Responses to “The market speaks”

  1. Lyle Says:

    If you already have an AR-15 type, or two or three or more, like most of us, and if you already have several thousand rounds for them, then please hold off for a bit and let the new gay and lesbian gun shoppers have what’s available oput there. It’s the least we could do.

  2. Mike V Says:

    Here we go again. I’d swear Obama has his pension money in gun and ammo stocks

  3. Ron W Says:

    “If the democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) really want fewer guns in America, they should really shut up.”

    And notice that they are NOT “pro-choice” for the right of those who are the stated targets of Islamic jihadists to keep and carry the means to defend themselves. But rather, they are the “useful idiots” for the ruling elite class who are surrounded by guns 24/7, but want to deny the same choice to the common people.

  4. Lex Luthier Says:

    @ Lyle, that is an important point. The best thing we can do is help new shooters and on-the-fence types learn and get some financial and political skin-in-the-game.

  5. Ron W Says:

    @Lyle, yes that’s a good point, but one cannot have too much ammo.

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