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Trump on guns

Like a good populist pouncing on headline news, Trump says he’s going to meet with the NRA about not allowing people on the terrorist watch list, or the no fly list, to buy guns.

The NRA responds with, well, this. They say we shouldn’t sell guns to terrorists but due process protections should be in place. Not certain the stop the sale while being investigated bit is constitutional.

10 Responses to “Trump on guns”

  1. Adam Lawson Says:

    The NRA and Trump both understand the optics — and that any reasonable proposal re: the list won’t fly with Democrats anyway.

    No way the administration does anything to open up transparency on the watch lists. No way they speed up the due process to get off it. The NRA isn’t going to lose anything because nothing will happen.

  2. divemedic Says:

    I would be OK with suspected terrorists being prohibited persons, but only if the process were designed to allow for due process, and there were a set of criteria that were in place to ensure that this would not be done in such a way as to allow some government official to simply add someone to the list on a whim.

    Otherwise, there is nothing to stop a President from simply adding the entire NRA to the list.

  3. Erik Says:

    Trump is going to talk to the NRA and say “OK, how do we both come out as winners? How do I proceed?” Then they will come out and say there was a meeting of the minds and he will be open to any idea of how you stop a “Super” security guard that’s had all the checks and more than any normal person gets from killing people. It will sound good, Onama will try to say Trump is now for gun control and then Trump will say that Obama should be able to listen better with those huge ears and all wil be back to normal.

  4. Michael Says:

    This is just the beginning.

    Don’t fool yourselves, dude is not a friend of gun rights, and he is more likely to get anti-gun stuff through Congress than a President Hillary.

    The NRA made a very foolish decision, as did every gun owner who voted for him.

  5. Burnt Toast Says:

    “The NRA believes that terrorists should not be allowed to purchase or possess firearms, period.”
    – NRA

    Not a problem.

    The terrorists are in GITMO already.


    Oh, they mean people who have merely been secretly accused of being terrorists.

    What was Trump to discuss with them again?

  6. KM Says:

    So the Orlando shooter should have been denied buying a gun because of past FBI investigations.

    But it’s OK to put the entire nuclear arsenal in the hands of a hildabeast who is under a current FBI investigation.
    Got it.

  7. 8notch Says:

    Maybe if they hadn’t just given him their endorsement without asking ANYTHING in return he wouldn’t have taken this angle. Sure, he would have gotten the nod, but they should have made him come to them at least in some respect. You would think that being able to deluge the mailboxes of 5 million voters would get you a place at the table. Instead the NRA gets treated the same way that the Democrats do their black constituents.

  8. Jody Says:

    The nra is anti Second Amendment. That is why they get $0 from me.

  9. Ron W Says:

    The “no fly list” is a SECRET and ARBITRARY violation of the 5th Amendment. That includes the “right to remain silent” which is absolutely sacrosanct in legality. ALL of the Bill of Rights are inviolable, declared rights of the people!

  10. Ron W Says:

    @Jody, that’s why I’ve always preferred Gun Owners of America. They are a Constitutionalist gun rights organization which supports ALL the Bill of Rights and restricting the government to its delegated powers–which includes NO power for gun control except for those it EMPLOYS!! (Article I, Section 8.15-16)

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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