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Another “privilege”

Now, there’s a made up thing called “Thin Privilege“. Man, these SJWs are inherently unserious people who should be mocked at all times.

6 Responses to “Another “privilege””

  1. Steve Says:

    Your link goes to the backpack gun story.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    d’oh. fixed

  3. Zack Says:

    I don’t care if someone’s fat, so long as I don’t have to pay for their medical bills. Thanks to obamacare, I think fat shaming is a great idea!

  4. Fred Says:

    aaaaargh…trying my hardest not to make a joke about what one does in folds of fat…aaaaaargh.

  5. nk Says:

    Please, let’s stop picking on fat people. They have enough on their plate.

    Inside every fat person, there’s a thin person trying to get out. The fat person ate him.

    I went to Weight Watchers, figuring it was a good way meet women. There were tons of women there, but not very many.

  6. comatus Says:

    Can’t help but think that the next target is sanitation. If you’re not just squatting in the woods, you have “privy privilege.”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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