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I’m not surprised

Former facebook employees say they routinely suppressed conservative news.

This story is trending on twitter. But not facebook.

6 Responses to “I’m not surprised”

  1. Fred Says:

    It’s not about ________, it’s about control. If you still think that the US has a free and independent press then you’re willfully ignorant.

  2. Linoge Says:

    Their playground.

    Their rules.

    Remember, if you aren’t paying for the service, you are the payment.

  3. Thirdpower Says:

    After their little psychology experiment a bit back as well as numerous non-actions regarding open threats against firearm advocates, they have no credibility when it comes to ‘neutrality’.

  4. Standard Mischief Says:

    No one should pretend Twitter is a oasis of free speech with a level playing field for the discussion of ideas though.

    Frankly, I can’t believe so many people are willing to embrace the platform, but I’m also wondering why Trump, Clinton and Sanders are out lead candidates too.

  5. The_Jack Says:

    Ammusingly it’s now trending on Facebook.

    However, the headline/summary has Facebook redacted and merely says “Platform”.

  6. HL Says:

    You can look at Milo Yiannopoulos’ experience with Twitter to see how those assholes undermine voices they don’t like. They fear the Dangerous Faggot (his words, not mine).

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