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Fake news at the Boston Globe

You don’t say. I’m shocked.

2 Responses to “Fake news at the Boston Globe”

  1. Kevin Baker Says:

    My wife and I just watched the Oscar-winning film “Spotlight,” the story of how the Boston Glob, er Globe broke the Catholic Church pedophile-priest coverup story. It was an example of what actual journalism looks like, although I’m absolutely certain it’s been processed through the Hollyweird lens.

    But every time I see actual journalism committed, I cannot help but go back to Brian Anse Patrick’s book The National Rifle Association and the Media and his determination that the Fourth Estate has taken upon itself the mantle of the Clergy of State, and that they see themselves as responsible for handing out Official Truth™. And that, like the Catholic Church suppressing the knowledge that pedophile priests exist and moving them around to different parishes, the news media covers up Democrat misdeeds and abuses.

    It’s for the good of the Church, you understand.

  2. Jeffersonian Says:

    Right story. Wrong demagogue ever . See Barry Soetoro. Worst fugging president ever.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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