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Hillary Clinton on NY gun violence

It’s all, of course, Vermont’s fault. However, ATF Trace Data Refutes Hillarys Reported Vermont Gun Claim

3 Responses to “Hillary Clinton on NY gun violence”

  1. mikee Says:

    Hillary is demanding gun control to stop the violence while Bill is, at exactly the same time, denouncing Black Lives Matter protesters by noting that the homicide rate with guns is at a 43 year low.

    They need to coordinate their messages a little better, or maybe they could both stop lying through their pieholes for momentary political gain.

  2. Ron W Says:

    Hillary has praised “Australian-style” gun control which is mandatory buyback or confiscation. She doesn’t care about the facts, even if Bill cites them, or the law.


  3. Lyle Says:

    Those who listen to Hillary will not allow themselves to see the refutations. If they should by mistake happen to see or hear the refutations, they’re pre-programmed to ignore them, and so her tactics will continue work on her target audience. They’ve been innoculated against the deadly disease of truth. They are immune.

    That’s what counts. That we know she’s full of shit is of little concern to her movement.

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