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What’s in a name?

3 Responses to “Marketing”

  1. rickn8or Says:

    Dodging bankruptcy or combining shrinking membership rolls?

  2. Lyle Says:

    Notice the progressive development of the names too, from “ban handguns” to “gun safety”. That alone proves they know they’re unpopular and must resort to obfuscation.

    Similarly, our “War Department” became the much more friendly-sounding “Department of Defense”. Someone has an insecurity problem. We already have “Peace-Keeping Forces” and so the only regression left is to call what was once the honestly-named War Department by the cowardly and stupid name of “Department of Peace”.

    The second amendment will at some point be said to protect people from guns in private hands. Then we can elect a horse to the Senate and learn to play violins while the country burns.

  3. rickn8or Says:

    Lyle, electing a whole horse to the Senate wouldn’t be a that much of a change.

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