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In Tennessee

We already have a version of this but a bill to make the “no gun” signs consistent.

The senate passed a bill to prohibit colleges from punishing students for having guns in their vehicles.

And a bill to give National Guard members with carry permits civil immunity and a legal defense if they use their guns in self defense. This is a response to the terrorist attacks in Chattanooga.

2 Responses to “In Tennessee”

  1. Lyle Says:

    “And a bill to give National Guard members with carry permits civil immunity and a legal defense if they use their guns in self defense. This is a response to the terrorist attacks in Chattanooga.”

    That’s nice; so if anyone else uses a gun in legitimate self defense and defense of the lives of others, they’ll be punished for it? That’s very Progressive; different laws for different classes of people. It’s quaintly Old World and so it must be good.

  2. mikee Says:

    Here in Texas, businesses that wish to opt out of concealed or open carry of handguns have to post specific signage at entrances, with inch high letters in contrasting colors. The text in English and Spanish is required for the signage to have the force of law.

    Some businesses post the red circle & slash over a gun silhouette, making the PSH anti-gun crowd happy while allowing legal open or concealed carry. After all, when FEEEELINGS are what counts, this ruse works just fine.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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