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A judge denied a preliminary injunction against DC carry laws:

U.S. District Court Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly has ruled that the plaintiffs in a suit seeking to bar the District from enforcing its concealed-carry regulations “have not met their burden of showing a likelihood of success on the merits” in a motion for a preliminary injunction. The ruling in effect upholdsfor nowD.C.’s “good reasoning” licensing scheme.

The plaintiffs have also not shown that an injunction would be “in the public interest,” Kollar-Kotelly writes in a 31-page order released on Monday. While they have successfully proven that “reasonable” qualification rules for firearm permits could pose an “irreparable harm” to their Second Amendment rights, the plaintiffs have not convincingly argued that it outweighs D.C.’s interest in keeping residents and visitors safe.

6 Responses to “In DC”

  1. Chas Says:

    Hyphenated Marxist/feminist cunt rules agains the manly right to keep and bear arms. Astonishing!

  2. Fred Says:

    I am so tired of safety being the measure against which freedom is balanced. Hey sissified pansy asses, freedom is dangerous, exciting, an animating contest. There are failures, mistakes are made, some get on better than others which teaches us as a species to learn, adapt, invent, and get better. It’s exciting, exhilarating, and stimulates us to enjoy the moments we have with those we love. It makes us want to be good and friendly and helpful. It’ FUN, It’s life, what a precious gift from God.

    According to the Collins Thesaurus, the most likely antonym for “freedom” is “slavery.”

    Freedom is fun, slavery sucks, duh.

  3. Huck Says:

    “While they have successfully proven that “reasonable” qualification rules for firearm permits could pose an “irreparable harm” to their Second Amendment rights, the plaintiffs have not convincingly argued that it outweighs D.C.’s interest in keeping residents and visitors safe.”

    Maybe someday someone can explain to me how being kept defenseless makes one “safe”.

  4. Mark Matis Says:

    That’s very easy, Huck. Your Betters and their Blue Wall enablers are FAR safer if nobody else has a gun. And nothing else matters…

  5. Stuart the Viking Says:

    It’s a form of magical thinking. The idea is that if nobody has a gun, nobody can be shot by a gun, ergo everyone is safer. Of course, it does require some pretty dedicated ignoring of reality.

  6. mikee Says:

    The exceptionalism of the US arises from the codification in the Constitution that the powers of the government are derived from the consent of the governed, and that the individual rights of citizens impose strict limits on government authority.

    This ruling eviscerates the Constitution by placing government as the arbiter of limits on individual rights, hence on government authority.

    Goodbye, Constitution. Goodbye, United States.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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