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But they have all that gun control

Homicides in Chicago nearly double compared to this time last year.

13 Responses to “But they have all that gun control”

  1. Lyle Says:

    Gun control and Progressive thinking is a deadly combination.

  2. Mike V. Says:

    And none by a CCW holder or it would be 24/7 news.

  3. Metulj Says:–rWsyf3Wh–/mfefqbc29rrn0ncb5niq.png

    Fucking facts.

  4. MrSatyre Says:

    They need to step up their game if they want to compete with Baltimore!

  5. chiefjaybob Says:

    Go to heyjackass dot com for up-to-date statistics. They break it down nicely, including my favorite, the important “Shot-in-the-Junk-o-Meter.”

  6. Chas Says:

    Rahm Emanuel can still stick his progressive thumb up his progressive ass while he whistles and farts, so what’s the big deal? The MSM doesn’t give a shit, so why would anyone else? If they don’t care, we’re not supposed to care either. Have another vodka margerita and chill out. You’re in Obamaland now, Bro, so chill, Bro. Chill. Be a good communist.

  7. Muntz Says:

    Metulj: The fact is, there is no positive correlation between gun ownership by state and gun *murders* by state. You would have us believe that in the absence of guns, people would stop committing suicide.

  8. Old 1811 Says:

    Chicago has strict laws, yes, but they’re not as draconian as some of you seem to think. Chicago’s handgun ban was knocked down by the Supreme Court in McDonald, and Illinois got shall-issue concealed carry a few years ago. Chicago’s laws are much less strict than the laws of NJ, Maryland, NY (city and state), California, or Hawaii. (That’s not saying much, but still . . .)
    What Chicago does have is a pervasive gang problem, a demoralized police force understaffed by at least 20 percent, and anti-police,pro-criminal, breathtakingly corrupt politicians on a scale unseen outside 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
    And shootings by lawful carriers are reported regularly in the Chicago press.

  9. HL Says:

    Nice link Muntz. It has demolished Metulj’s snark.

  10. Ron W Says:

    Must be all that “hope and change”

  11. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Even most leftrhoids know that much unspinning needs to be done on anything referenced by gawker, and with a special bonus of mother jones on top of it, you’re assured of a validity-free experience.

  12. rickn8or Says:

    It seems the Chicago city government has trouble obeying the law also:

  13. mikee Says:

    Metulj, what is the incidence rate of total criminal violence per state, compared with gun ownership per capita?

    If the level of total criminal violence is higher in states where gun deaths are low, is that a good or bad thing for the populace there?

    Gun deaths is a poor metric for measures of total criminal violence, as death from a gunshot is influenced by factors such as distance from an ER, suicide rate vs criminal assault with gun rate, or gang wars vs individual criminal acts are taken into account.

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