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And you’re proud of that?

My local county sheriff RECEIVES DESIGNATION AS HIGH- INTENSITY DRUG AREA. And they’re proud of that:

Blount County Sheriff James Lee Berrong and Blount County Mayor Ed Mitchell are elated that Blount County was recognized today by the White House as a county that is heavily involved in addressing the problem of drugs in our community.

I guess they’re excited about all the free federal money they’ll be getting.

11 Responses to “And you’re proud of that?”

  1. Old 1811 Says:

    When the HIDTA program was initiated as part of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, mayors, police chiefs, and sheriffs clamored to get their jurisdictions designated HIDTAs. They were looking at all the money the G was going to throw at them, and didn’t really care if their claims were true or if they would have other repercussions. As I recall, the original HIDTAs were in the NYC/NJ, Chicago, Detroit, and DC/Baltimore areas, along with South Florida and most of the southern border from Port Isabel to San Diego. The list kept growing until now almost the whole country is a designated HIDTA, so the designation has no meaning (except for the dough).

  2. Lyle Says:

    “I guess they’re excited about all the free federal money they’ll be getting.”

    Yep. It’s all about the recognition, the money and the power, or as the refer to it, the “Support, the Resources and the Tools”. For the children of course.

  3. JTC Says:

    Coming to a street near you; armored Humvees, military guns ‘n gear, and no-knocks. “free” money…and they really believe that.

  4. MrSatyre Says:

    “Hey! Lookit us! We’re complete failures! And we’re being rewarded for it!”

  5. Griff Says:

    Well, it is Blount County…

  6. Ron W Says:

    Don’t they realize the “free money” comes from their pockets and then fed agents are hired to redistribute some of it it back and tell’em how to use it?

  7. HL Says:


    As we all know, no single raindrop is EVER responsible for the flood. These raindrops are no different.

    I can hear them now…
    “The money is going to get spent somewhere, might as well be here!”

  8. mikee Says:

    Will there be any measurable decrease in illegal drug use in Blount County because of this, or did I completely miss that part of the joke?

  9. David Says:

    Many of these communities are fraught with violence as a result of the desperate state of the family unit. Many sheriff departments are sharing news of local help and resources to help the family financial situation. Upon the delivery of court papers, for example, many are given a list of helplines to financial assistance. Civil Process Units in these sheriff departments are helping their communities. Although I’m sure if they deliver court docs and find a meth lab, they probably skip the gesture.

  10. JTC Says:

    Help for the “desperate state of the family unit” will not be forthcoming in the guise of more of what put them there…”financial assistance” aka free money, has encouraged illegitimate childbirth, emasculated and marginalized that family unit’s breadwinner, and provided the means to supply the killer dope and booze that helps them forget about it all.

    Gov at all levels can best help families by staying the fuck out of their lives, including shit being done and taught in schools that has zero to do with the 3R’s and everything to do with indoctrinating them into the cradle to grave system that has killed families and is killing America.

    And of course LE like all gov bureaucracies through programs that you mention does its part in furthering this vicious cycle of slapping bandaids on the sores of the gtd’s (gov transmitted diseases) that they inflict…and as crass as it sounds, it’s true that the whole damn fucked up system amounts to job security for gov wonks at all levels, which is why they want and need the toys funded by the “free” money that is extorted from those “family units” so that they can “help” them.

  11. A Critic Says:

    “There are currently 28 HIDTA’s, which include approximately 17.2 percent of all counties in the United States and a little over 60 percent of the U.S. population.”

    Looks like the drugs are winning.

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