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Pioneer Airbow

Via TFB, comes the 450fps airbow. Which is more like an air gun than a bow. Digging around, there was some video:

Anything called a game changer isn’t. A few things:

Seems easy to use.

Seems very quiet.

Scope mount seems too high.

And did he just kill a pet buffalo?

8 Responses to “Pioneer Airbow”

  1. Jody Says:

    I’ll stick to my big bore airguns. I’ve taken several deer with my .50 Dragon Slayer. I just wish TWRA would get up to date with their regulations.

  2. HL Says:

    The game has changed so many times, I am not sure what we are playing anymore.

  3. Fred Says:

    Jody – TWRA will update their rules. Send them a letter with your proposal and let them know that you will be contacting your TN senator and district rep in Nashville to see what the logical thing to do is. They are not huge, maybe they just haven’t been working on this issue right now. You just have to get a small group of vocal folks and get it started. Maybe start a book of face page to get some folks organized and see if uncle and some other bloggers will note it and Call the TN outdoors show at PBS…Just some ideas.

  4. JTC Says:

    A game changer…I guess the new game is shoot farmer Brown’s cow from short range and marvel that an arrow through the heart can kill it. He could have just walked up to it and poked the arrow in there. Some game.

  5. HL Says:

    In the very distant future, when we finally develop laser pistols, should they be allowed for hunting?

    This question assumes that Obama hasn’t forever stunted mankind’s technological growth. It also assumes that vegan-ism hasn’t been mandated via executive order.

  6. SPM Says:

    Da*n it HL, Now I want a laser pistol.

  7. tincankilla Says:

    good thing they were quiet as they approached that buffalo, or else it might have run up to them expecting a handful of oats.

  8. Lyle Says:

    The trend seems to be higher and higher sights. I figure it will top out at around three feet. In that case we’ll be able to shoot from the hip while aiming.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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